Sedena Cappannelli

Although it doesn’t matter how old we are as we find ourselves immersed in a world of tremendous challenge, confusion and possibility, being over 40 has its additional collection of challenges and uncertainty, especially for women. 


In this time of great change it is natural to feel anxious, to question what to do next and to equate ourselves with a world that no longer exists and to our younger images.  It is also natural to long for a renewed sense of wellbeing, greater vitality and passion and to remember we can confidently face whatever is to come.  I believe it is possible to move beyond our challenges and the limited concepts of aging and inherit our Ageless self. 

Ageless Life Coaching uses scientifically validated techniques and proven life strategies

to support you in experiencing greater clarity, vitality, balance and purpose.

  • Increase your ability to pilot your dreams and thrive during life's challenges,
  • Be Age-Empowered and Re-ignite your Passion and Engagement,
  • Learn simple, yet powerful wellness techniques to strengthen your personal energy field,
  • Experience Youth-Enhancing strategies for Resilience, Longevity and Beauty inside-out,
  • Enjoy Meditative, joy-filled practices to De-Stress, increase Balance, Intuition and Inner Peace.  

Move into optimal wellness and wholeness in mind, body and spirit.

  • All Ageless Life Coaching programs involve an initial assessment to help you create the life you want.
  • A minimum of 4 sessions is recommended.
  • Ageless Life Coaching also includes periodic assignments, journaling, interactive processes, guided imagery and more.

Contact Sedena Cappannelli for details

(505) 470-6295  /